
The computer: I like that it keeps my sons busy. I just don’t like what they are busy doing! Or perhaps, more accurately, I don’t like what they are not doing. They are not creating their own entertainment, but are instead consuming what has been provided. Yes, its “educational.” But it is still simply consumption. […]

Today is…Tuesday, Sept 28 2010

Gymnastics today. So our morning routine was, yes, rushed. But we did: -Pray -Talk about the boy Samuel being called by God, and about how we need to prepare ourselves and homes to be able to hear God when He talks to us through the Spirit: -Read our message (though I missed writing the numeral […]

Today is…Monday, Sept 27 2010

Our morning message: …was interrupted as we rushed out to the gym. Rushing, rushing, always rushing. We did get in a prayer and discussed the importance of running away from bad choices, like Joseph did. At the gym (mothers group/exercise group) I entertained Giant and Ettin and some other little people with my skipping rope […]

My Sister-In-Law

I love her. Honestly, I love all my sisters-in-law. But tonight I am thinking about the sister-in-law that brought me this: Beans, Corn, Salsa, Chicken, and — most importantly— Cream Cheese. In whichever ratio pleases you most. I don’t cook with cream cheese very often. She does. She also makes cookies like this. I don’t. […]

Ain’t dead

Long naps are wonderful. Especially when I have them. When my baby sleeps longer than expected, however, I find my mind is often drawn towards this door: and the sweet little baby who is sleeping so nerve-wrackingly long inside. I start to debate: do I check to make sure he “ain’t dead” and potentially wake […]