Today is…Monday Oct 18, 2010

We prayed.

We talked about Ruth gleaning the fields, and we related this to helping people in our family:

Then we worked on a Morning Message. Giant was delighted to have a pattern to copy:

and proceeded to erase the message and work on patterns until I forced him to put on his shoes and coat to go to gym. Isn’t it interesting how much easier children learn when they are ready and want to learn?

Giant helped Ettin get ready:

Not that we actually need earmuffs and scarves yet. But its the thought that counts, right?

Finding ourselves with time to spare, I snuck in a story:

Then we were off to the Gym for some exercise, and then we went down to the ParentLink Centre for Make and Mingle—where moms work on projects and the children play.

After Ettin and Galoot went for a nap, I searched some magazines for Hallowe’en craft inspiration:

The trouble with looking to outside sources for inspiration, though, is that I often don’t have the materials needed to do the craft I’d like to do. And since I hadn’t planned ahead and gathered/bought the needed supplies beforehand, I had to come up with an idea on the spot.

I decided on keenex ghosts. We’d sew a string through a kleenex and cotton ball, draw a cute face on top with a marker, and hang it up:

But Giant wasn’t into it.

He played with the needle and thread a bit:

But he didn’t really have the ability to shove the needle through the cotton ball.

So I changed gears.

Instead, we painted paper plates orange or purple (why purple? Because when you mix blue and red, it makes purple. That’s why):

Coloured some faces on them.

Cut them out (Giant felt this was an important step):


Yes, that is permanent marker.

Yes, I let my 4 year old use a permanent marker.

Did you know that freshly applied permanent marker can be scrubbed off the floor with baking soda?

Neither did I. Until today.

Sorry Mommy yelled, Giant.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 at 3:10 am and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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