Today is…Monday, Nov 15 2010
We prayed. I think. Yes, I’m pretty sure we did….it has been a while since this morning…please forgive my memory.
We looked at our Gospel Art Picture: Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites
We talked about how neat it would be to go to our Temple and see and hear our Lord.
We looked at out Morning Message:
I love the intent look on Ettin’s face. He really likes the Morning Message time.
[In fact, just a few minutes ago (8:45pm or so?) I was writing the message for tomorrow on the chalkboard. Ettin must have heard the chalk on the chalkboard, and he started piping up from his bedroom, “Unday? Unday, Mom?”]
We enjoyed a beautiful Fall walk as we went to the gym.
The boys wanted to go to Stay and Play, so off we strolled. It was actually Make and Mingle, so I brought my awesome writing book and got in some great reading time while the boys played and Galoot slept in the stroller. Lovely.
After lunch and Ettin and Galoot were napping, Giant and I worked on writing:
He made some cards for Daddy:
“Happy Birthday Daddy” (Hap/eB/RTh/d/a/dad/E) and a picture of a dream.
I’m not sure which one I like more 😉