Today is…Tuesday Feb 22 2011
At snack time we talked about prophets, and how we can develop a testimony of them ourselves. Giant named the prophets he knew. We talked a little bit about what they did. We read Matthew 7:15-20, and talked about good and bad fruits (note the thematic snack), and how blessed we are to have a prophet today to lead and guide us:
(please ignore the cookies on the table. The boys had helped themselves to what they thought was a great snack whilst I was getting their real snack together 😉 )
Then, taking some recent advice, I decided to attack our learning activities with a slant for things that gave me energy/interested me. Because as much as I like teddy bears (kindof), I don’t really look forward to working on them. Every day. For weeks.
Now, I know that this is not quite child led or focused. But I needed the extra boost. And Giant seemed to enjoy himself too, which was good.
So, we drew up building plans.
Mine is for a baby gate and seedling table out of some pretty wood salvaged from shelves we just tore down in the basement.
Giant drew plans for a rocket house he’d like to build out of the wood in the basement.
Ettin drew a dog house.
Then, we looked at seeds.
Seed math.
Well, it worked for me anyway.
I drew little seed shapes and Giant counted and added them.
Then we spent some time talking about what types of seeds each one could be. It was actually quite fun!
Mostly the boys spent the day in their element:
Ettin built tracks:
And Giant hammered wood (working on his rocket house, of course):
Hm, that was a lot more fun–doing things that we love to do anyway. I’ll have to work on that!