Speedbiking Tragedy
Shortly after this: There was this: And this: Sometimes mommy kisses take a little bit extra time to work.
Shortly after this: There was this: And this: Sometimes mommy kisses take a little bit extra time to work.
We had a gospel lesson. About how the Saviour is like a doctor… We had a party to celebrate Texas Grandpa’s Birthday… The boys had a fun time at the library preschool story time, where they ate their crafts (a decorated graham cracker kite) and left me nothing to take pictures of. A very sweet, […]
hape brthda Granpa!!!! (those streamers are fluttering in the breeze of the fridge fan, just so you know. Giant thought that was extra special 😉 ) We had a PARTY!!! Even though our guest of honour is a zillion miles away in Texas… Giant thought we should have a party. And get ribbons. And take […]
In our sunny window… Tomatoes! Including a couple new “Tomato Tree” sprouts (far right): In our grow-op indoor green house: Tomatoes growing strong. And peppers loving the heat of the lights and reflective blanket: And although I think I planted them only a couple of days ago or so, I have: Cabbage… Broccoli… Brussel Sprouts… […]
Antibiotics are kicking in…Momma is back in the game… The boys were looking at a math book, in a section which looked at comparison/measurement/ratio/graphs/proportion/and perspective. Neat, eh? The book talked about analyzing the amounts of water in different containers: And then talked about how to measure which container would be sweetest if sugar was added […]