Today is…Friday Mar 11

Our day started with a healthy and nutritious sampling of chips, cakes, and candy:

(note to self: Next time, clean up left-over party food before the children wake up hungry in the morning!)

We were running a little behind, which Giant kept reminding me of as he followed me around with his toy clock (which he adjusts to match the clock on our living room wall):

After gym, we brought some friends over to play. And since I hadn’t taught a gospel lesson before we left for gym, I got the boys a snack (carrot sticks and hummus to counter-balance their breakfast) and talked to them about righteous obedience. We determined that if someone said he would clean his room, but didn’t, that that would be more disobedient than someone who said they wouldn’t clean their room and later repented and did do the work. Giant assured me that he always says he’ll clean his room.

The boys mostly just played. One point I found interesting was when they were writing names on chalkboards. Giant was comparing his name with his friend’s name. I pointed out that if he used all the letters in his name, not just the sounds, that he would have even more letters which matched his friend’s letters.

Later, without prompting from me, he wrote his full name:

Then the boys did some painting. I was feeling brave.

Look Sunshine!!!


I mean, look at those adorable boys. In the glorious, warm, beautiful, radiant, bright sun. Lovely.

After friends had gone home and little ones were napping, Giant and I cut out hand flowers from their painting artwork:

To sprout under our tree.

To explain what happened next you must understand that I had had an unusually late night last night.

And both my little ones were asleep.

And my oldest kept asking me if I was tired.

And if I wanted to snuggle.

And wasn’t I tired?

And could I please sleep on the couch next to him?

And there were sunbeams on the couch.

So I spent the afternoon here:

Pure bliss.

This entry was posted on Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 12:34 pm and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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