Today is…Tuesday Mar 15 2011
We brought home friends with us after Gymnastics:
And had a talk about cups.
I asked the boys (without showing them the insides) which cup they would like to drink out of (a clean blue cup or dirty yellow cup):
They all chose the clean blue cup.
Then I showed them the insides. The cup they had thought was clean was full of mud, while the cup that was dirty on the outside was sparkly white inside.
I asked them again which cup they’d like to drink out of now.
They all chose the blue cup again.
I talked about how the scriptures told us that people can be nice on the outside, but not nice inside: they might say they’ll share, but then they don’t. And that people who might look a little plain or dirty on the outside can be wonderful on the inside. That it is what is inside that matters.
And I asked if they would like me to put some milk in the blue cup (the one with mud in it) for them to drink.
Finally, they said no to the blue cup.
Later as the boys played and I got lunch ready, Ettin came to help me bake:
Seriously, which preschool bakes things just about every day? The benefits of homeschooling! 😉