What’s Green Wednesday
Some very big cherry tomatoes, hoping desperately that I will transplant them soon. And some not so big “Tomato Tree” tomatoes (behind the cherries). I’m not really sure what they are hoping for, but apparently I don’t have it. And a couple of planted pots by my boys, who desperately wanted to plant some of each of my seeds (I held them to radishes and carrots and peas).
Many transplanted tomatoes:
a few allysum sprouts and roma tomato sprouts (which I planted last week, as soon as my seed order came in from Veseys):
Brassicas, doing well. I think they like it better when I turn off the Christmas lights (which keep my babies warm in the cold basement) under the grow shelves at night.
Oh, and those cutie patootie little asparagus sprouts?
Which looked like this just two short weeks ago?:
Apparently asparagus grow quickly. And it gets tall.
It gets tall rather quickly.
In fact, its grown out the grow lights.
Now what!?
Mom says:
Eat it….