Today is…Tuesday Mar 8 2011
This morning I rolled out the red carpet for the boys:
Okay, perhaps it was a red baby blanket. Essentially the same thing, right?
We read in Matthew 21 about Jesus’ triumphant entry, and talked about how amazing it is that Jesus came to redeem his people, coming as a King like the prophets had testified. And that the people showed him great respect as he rode on the donkey across clothing and branches, just like we roll out the red carpet for someone we think is important.
I, however, had a distinct lack of respect during this lesson:
And so we also talked about how you show respect to a mommy who is trying to teach you about the scriptures.
Mommy was not happy.
But we are learning together.
Then we went to gymnastics, where I was reminded how ineffective public schooling could be versus one-on-one time with a mom: In general, Giant listened and followed instructions quite well, but then started goofing off as the teacher’s and helpers’ attention was captured by the class of energetic little boys who just wanted to run around. True, it’s important for him to learn to follow instructions and do what is right no matter what his peers are doing, but I don’t think he needs that frustrating lesson taught for 8 hours a day each day of the week. A little bit at gymnastics will be fine. Especially since I’ll fully admit that one-on-one time with mommy teaching gymnastics would be less effective than a great gymnastics teacher teaching a class of busy boys.
I’m done my rant. Thank you.
When we got home, we played some math games where Giant either located different numbers in sequence or matched numbers without crossing over his previous pencil lines:
After lunch, Galoot nibbled on some delicious red and green dye Christmas rice crispies,
…while Giant and I drew and labeled a train track and details, including “bloo drt” [blue dirt] and a “brig” [bridge]: