Today is…Monday June 6 2011

We prayed.

We talked about prophets and prophesies:

We did our morning message, with Ettin circling letters,

…and Giant reading the words:

Then we played a math racing game:

We wanted our critters to make it to the end of the number line first.

We picked numbers (1-3) drawn on cards:

And added a critter to his friends, emphasizing saying the word equation (5 + 1 = 6, for example):

Then friends came over to play!

Ettin took a break to help me prep a supper experiment:

They finger painted (and mommy just about lost it. Children are soooo good at teaching patience and love. And forgiveness.).

Then, while mommy cleaned up a rather large paint mess, the boys sang loudly while playing elastic band instruments:

Then we worked for a while in the garden.

Galoot is pretty sure he belongs outside. After working in the garden for a couple of hours, this boy was covered in mud (they just don’t make a bib for that 😉  ). Worried that I might be reported to child services, I took him in to get him cleaned up. He tried his hardest to get away from me, and made a break for it when I was distracted for a moment:

We watched Diego. After banning movies last week (due to rather horrid tantrums being thrown), I told them we could try watching one episode of Diego:

Then, to entice them back away from the computer, I built blocks with them for a bit:

They sang their abcs and read stories together:

…and they were just so darn cute I had to join them for some story time too:

Schooling was everywhere, but I still feel that we got a lot accomplished!

This entry was posted on Monday, June 6th, 2011 at 3:14 am and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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