Today is…Tuesday, August 16 2011

Back to routine!

We had a Gospel Lesson:

They really wanted to work on math sheets I’d bought from the dollar store:


…while they worked I got caught up on laundry (actually, is that even possible? Does one EVER get caught up on laundry?)

Soon a friend was over to play for a bit before swimming. I continued working on laundry.

On our way back from swimming, we found a very interesting friend. A spurge hawk moth:

We wondered if we kept it if it would make a cool cocoon and moth (It doesn’t. It burrows underground to make a cocoon).  But mommy wasn’t sure she wanted a critter hanging around in the house that long, but the research part was fun!

After lunch we worked on robots!!!

Even Ettin joined in, delighted to create his own design. Giant followed Daddy’s instructions (Daddy Bear made some simple preschool type mindstorm building instructions so we could build and program and still hold Giant’s attention in one session).


I’m still learning about the programming part.

I did get it to spin around jerkily:

And Giant thought it was cool that it lit up (what the light sensor does automatically when it’s turned on):

After Galoot woke up from his nap, we released our multi-legged friend:

Giant and Ettin were fascinated. Galoot, not so much:

 This is what summer school is about!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 16th, 2011 at 3:06 am and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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