Garden Harvest
On Sunday a couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on our backyard swing with Giant.
Trying hard not to work in the garden.
I was pointing out all of the green strawberries on the plants and telling him that soon we would have lots of red ones to eat.
I was trying hard not to notice the weeds that needed pulling. So easily. But not on Sunday.
Then as we were heading inside, my traitorous feet took me closer to the strawberry beds, and I noticed this:
It’s red!
And there are lots more where this came from (Yes, this picture is sideways. Please try to ignore that. Please also try to ignore the abundance of weeds growing among my strawberries. I know, it’s hard):
Then, maybe a week or so later:
Our first load of Strawberries!
(Sitting on top of our not so first load of lettuce. Did you know that sowing a 4ft x 20ft garden bed with lettuce grows really a lot of lettuce?)
YUM!!! Why did I not plant my whole garden in strawberries?!!