A Miracle



Giant came to me, holding our wheat grinder hopper up. The funnel part was completely taped up.

“Look mom, a Miracle!”

He’d poured some water inside the hopper, and it was NOT pouring out all over the floor:

In our house, a miracle indeed 😉

Preparing for an interesting Journey


Galoot was helping me with laundry today:



I’m not sure where he thought he was heading with his lovely underwear collection, but I’m sure he had big plans.

Processed Kale


Just in case I want some Kale for lasagne in the winter, I decided to put some in the freezer.

For reference:

2 large honey buckets full of Kale…

…washed, blanched for 3 mins, and dried…


= 2 small packed snack bags of Kale.

Mmm, snack Kale.

Eating developments



I gave Galoot a spoon to play with. Just for fun.

Turns out the kid knows how to use it!

I’m not sure if he is just smart, or if I’m really slow with this one in letting him try to feed himself with utensils.

…You’re right. He’s brilliant 😉 .

Water Boy

When Galoot hears the taps flowing, he comes running…

He loves to play in the water!