Dressed Up and Barefoot




My Crew, almost dressed for Church:

Sunday Counsel

Giant, indicating my jean skirt: “Mom, you shouldn’t wear that to Church.”

Me, “Oh, why not?”

Giant, trying to gather his thoughts, “Because its…really not…honest. You should wear a princess skirt with flowers to go to Church. That one is just too not in our world. You can wear those skirts everyday but not Sunday.”

Hmmm, point taken. I may have to find some more “princess” skirts…

(My biggest challenge is finding warm “princess” skirts for the winter — snow boots just go so nicely with a long jean skirt 😉  )

PicoCricket Battering Ram

What did I do with my preschoolers today?

Built a battering ram!

Okay, it was just a tiny one. But it was a lot of fun!

They found all the pieces:

Stuck ’em together (with a bit of help):

Tried it out (repeatedly):

And built great castle walls to knock down over and over again:




(they especially liked mommy’s sound effects 😉  )

Today is…Thursday July 21 2011

Reading, reading, reading!

We had a Gospel lesson about seeking counsel from the Lord, and not trying to puff our pride up:

Then (because I’d taken a moment to plan) we practiced some reading and writing. I had Giant read “j” words, and Ettin try and write “j”‘s.

Which, looking back, may just be the hardest letter for a beginner writer to write! A straight line, upside down rainbow. Dot on top. Definitely dependent on orientation. I probably should have had him practice “l”‘s or “o”‘s…But he loves is Baby Jaguar, and I thought that would be a great hook…

We also took some time to build with PicoCrickets!

We assembled the pieces:

Tested it:

And played with a PicoCricket Battering Ram:

Today is…Wednesday July 20 2011

Our morning started bright and early in the Strawberry patch. I’d gone out to pick strawberries and was shortly joined by 3 little boys and a daddybear. He’d brought out scriptures and we had our morning family scripture study while we picked strawberries! Now…how do I make that happen every morning?

After breakfast (oatmeal with very fresh strawberries on top) we had our Gospel Message from the FHE guide. It was a story about a snowbound family, and had little girls asking their mom how they’d have enough food to eat. Their mom reminded them about all the food they’d been blessed with and able to store:

Which made me think about strawberry jam…
