July 20, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
Tonight I had 3 little pigs and the Big Bad Wolf running through my house.
The little pigs were terrified:

They hid in their brick house:

But inevitably….Along came the BIG BAD WOLF:

He huffed and puffed in marvelous style:

But just couldn’t blow their house down:

Which they thought was hilarious:

I think we have the best DaddyBear Big Bad Wolf a family could have!
(and some pretty cute little pigs too)
July 19, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
We spent the morning cleaning and then went to the library for their storytime program. The boys brought home jellyfish balloons:

And we had a Gospel Message on the eternal principle of Work:

July 18, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
We had friends over this morning—Two very sweet girls!
My boys acted like animals—literally (we had a book with a game about acting like animals):

My boys had a lesson in baby care:

They read stories (of course!)

We had a Gospel Message on the law of the harvest. I was tickled when I asked Giant which seeds grew fast, and which ones grew slowly, and he answered me with no prompting! (Radishes grow fast, Carrots and Squash grow slowly). The kids also thought it was hilarious when I asked them if you could grow apples from pumpkin seeds or beans from corns seeds etc. We talked about how this applies to us:

Then, using free child labour, I sent the kids to work in the garden:

While I played with someone cute and pink:

It was so hot the kids only lasted about 15-20 minutes outside.
We went back inside to play Crazy Eights!

And make some biscuits (They’d decided that since the sweet girl in the middle was the oldest, she should have the longest apron 😉 Though they did trade around a bit after that…):

They took turns adding ingredients, stirring it up, and kneading the dough:

(No, of course my son is not crouching on the counter. Why do you ask?)

And, of course, cutting the biscuits into cutesy little shapes:

Thanks for visiting, girls! You were an absolute joy!
After they went home, Giant told me it was time to wear his eyepatch. And he reminded me that the eye doctor said he should wear his eyepatch while he played computer games…

It’s a conspiracy.
July 15, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
Today was an outside day!!!
It started outside picking fresh strawberries:

(What yummier breakfast than homemade whole wheat buns and fresh strawberries?!)
We went to Gym.
We played in our friend’s yard jumping on the tramp, playing in the sandbox, and eating yummy snacks, while their mommy painted the picnic table.
We walked home and had lunch and then had a very good nap.
Then after supper we went for a walk and played as a family at the park—we have some budding scoop players in our family 🙂 . It was great! A little ways into our family time, a sweet boy (3 or 4?) came to play with us for our time at the park. He referred to Giant as, “ma-friend” for the whole time. What a wonderful night! (and day!) —I’m pretty sure I was meant to live in the outdoors…My brain just gets happier and happier the more I’m outside! (And I’m sure it’s good for the boys too!)
July 15, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
Today’s Minion is brought to you by…The Laundry!

I threw the mindstorms gadgetry into the laundry basket as I carried our clothes up from the basement. Such is the way in a homeschool classroom—Laundry and Bots in semi-perfect harmony.

We decided to turn our Shark Hunter into a line following race car. I gave Giant a toy race car that follows lines to compare with ours:

We talked about how the toy race car knew how to stay on the line, and then hooked up a light sensor to our bot.
Just like that. Click, snap.
Ahem. Okay, since I still have a little trouble trying to wrap my brain around connecting and linking lego pieces that don’t join in straight forward ways, I went to NXTprograms for some tips, and borrowed ideas for attaching the light sensor.
Half an hour later we’d attached the light sensor. During construction, Giant saw a touch sensor control on a bot in NXTprograms and wanted to have one in our bot too—and from this point on the touch sensor became our new focus. There was just such an appeal to being able to control the bot directly:

Alright. Programming.(With Enchanting!)
We had two sensors.
I went to “Sensing” but couldn’t quite figure out how to get Enchanting to see our Sensors:

Since DaddyBear Tech Support was at work, I did a quick search for “sensor configuration with Enchanting”:

Ah Ha! It was right in front of my face. Of course.
I clicked on “Configure Sensors” and we were on our way:

We started with the touch sensor, and I got a rather twitchy program going:

It made the robot twitch and jerk and sometimes run both motors when we pressed the button. Giant was happy, but I was curious about what was going on.

Thankfully help came home from work, and introduced me to “Operators” so that I could clarify whether the button was pressed or not:

Which led to a much smoother ride!
This Bot just begs for a puppy costume, don’t you think?

Galoot thought it looked quite tasty too!
Too Cute!
We’ll try programming it’s line sensor next week…