December 15, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
It’s been quite cold here lately.
Really cold.
My running buddy and I said we’d run in weather down to -20 celcius. But this last run was a little bit colder…

Note the frozen eyelashes? That was actually quite worrisome. What would you do if your eyelashes froze shut? Take off your glove?—No way! Fingers would freeze off!
Perhaps I’m being a little dramatic. It was warm enough after all to produce droplets of warm water from my breath, so I was obviously not freezing. Just my eyelashes and hands, and cheeks, and nose, were slightly numb.
Not my toes though! I had been wearing the Vibram 5 fingers shoes. Love them. Feels great. Makes my knees happy. But I feared what seemed like the very real possibility of losing my toes on the ever increasingly (decreasingly?) cold runs.
So I was delighted to find these:

Vibram sole, but my toes can stay warm together. My toes don’t get to spread out as much as I like, but they aren’t painfully cold either.

Sorry bud, I don’t think they make them in your size.
December 15, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
My cold frames are still standing:

…for the most part. I haven’t checked on what’s underneath in a few weeks, as its either been frozen down or extremely windy—and I don’t want to risk having the covers blow away completely!
It is pleasing to look out at the garden plot and see something there.
The promise of life simply enclosed in a white tomb for a while, waiting for the rebirth of Spring.
November 30, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
Despite taking a few sick days…

November was a very fun month, filled with trying to enjoy the last few warm rays of sun before winter sets in.
We got in a few more visits to the local library reading program. The boys listened to stories and made some very cute crafts!

Aquarium/Undersea pictures.
(okay, I can totally see making these in different themes—a coloured paper plate, cute decorations, clear plate glued on top)

And they coloured healthy food on a plate, with a healthy snack too 😉
We read lots and lots of stories:

We tried making some alphabet cookies. Very tricky. This was as far as I got…

Ettin loves practicing his letters:

Lots of writing and colouring:

An impromptu counting and recording lesson after a snack:

Most excellent math play:

Some lesser, but still fun math play (Its Montessori! On the Ipad! … which kind of defeats the original intended purpose of the activity, but cute nevertheless)

And lots of baking! (And thus lots of measuring, comparing, reading of numbers, etc):

Building cool structures:

I stuck a number line up on the wall and we explored counting by 5s and 10s:

Oh, and of course, ROBOTS!

So cool having the instructions on the iPad…

Awww, what sweet little mad scientists hard at work!:

Sumobot competition:

We made some cute PicoCricket creations for the community awareness night:
…Jumping Frog:

…Motorized train engine:

…and a few other gems.
Ah yes, that apple. Well, we delved into science and botany. They planted their seeds:

Gave them water and light…:

And completely forgot about them.
Nothing happened.
I found it to be a great lesson.
MY plant, however, is looking really cool! I’m forcing hyacinths and the roots are growing like crazy:

Bill Nye, we love you:

Magnet Exploration (Bill Nye does a really great job explaining magnets, by the way!):

We also worked on some science experiments, like bouncing sounds:

Arts and Crafts
Play dough!

Water painting on the chalkboard:

Home made harp:

The anatomy of a dollar store recorder:

Names of piano keys:

Playing some easy tunes:

Physical Education
Outdoor Play!
Still walking as much as possible:

Love the boys. Outside. Where boys belong:

A little gymnastic practice on the curb…:

And some good ol’ playin’ in the dirt with trucks:

Bike riding in nice weather:

…and playing at the foot of the Cardston Temple. I love living so close!

The boys ran off some energy in the gym for mothers group:

Hee hee…

Next month…December! What magic will we find?
November 28, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
The game is on.
The ring is set.
Who will win this challenge?

Sumo Bot smashes the competition!

But Baby takes all!!!

Bot vs Baby? Baby always wins.
November 20, 2011 - Posted by CayleenRae - 0 Comments
Want some parenting advice on how to draw siblings closer together?

Turn down the thermostat!
(my boys just dropped what they were playing with and ran for the heat vent as it came on… Ahhh, winter fun.)