Wins and Fails

With Grandma here, I’ve had some free time to do some experimenting—the fun part of being a homemaker!

Experiment Win:


We watched Babi roll out massive amounts of Perogi on YouTube :

Then we made our own:

(Pelmeni (Russian sausage perogi), refried bean (good with salsa and sour cream), potato with cheese, and jam(good with icing sugar))

Experiment Fail:

Apple syrup.

Giant’s face says it all.

In the apples’ defense, I let my attention wander at the worst moment and turned my syrup into candy. Which did not respond well to being burned boiled twice and then pulled into sour burned stretch candy. (But there are possibilities…)

PS. If you are interested in experimenting in apple syrup yourself, I found that I had to boil the apple juice to about 1/5 of its original volume to burn it turn it to candy. Good luck!

Storm Preparations

It’s been quite lovely out lately. The ground has dried out, the sun has been shining, and we’ve only had intermittent showers of rain.

Which has made me a little disappointed.

You see, with all the rain we’ve been having, we went through a lot to protect  and prepare our home and garden from the next big rain. We’ve added a sump-pump to a leaky room downstairs, and I added a bunch of blessed dirt to a few boxes in the garden. Now, I’d love to make sure these precautions actually work!

So I was pondering today how much this is like our earthly life. We are pummeled with storms which almost break us. We live. We fortify our homes and families and selves for the next deluge. But the deluge doesn’t come right away. Do we continue to prepare and protect? Or do we sit back and relax? Perhaps here is where personal history and journals come in to play. They help us remember what we have fought against, and what we want to keep striving for. Because it is so easy to just enjoy the sunshine, and forget about the storms that once raged.

We LOVE Grandma!

My dishes are clean. I didn’t do them.

My child is clean. I didn’t wash him.

The laundry is washed and folded. The socks are paired. I didn’t do that either.

My dish cupboard is cleaned and organized. Not by me.

My art cupboard has been tidied. Not by me.

My front beds have regained some order. I helped a little.

Mostly, I’ve been playing in my garden.


I love you too Mom! (in big words 😉  ) You are an incredible blessing in my life!!!

Today is…A week in Summary ;)

What have we been doing while Grandma’s been here?

Gospel Lessons!

Morning Messages:

Math Games:

Colouring (Grandma is a really good colourer):

Playing with friends (using the super fun hats Grandma brought):

Going to the library:

Reading LOTS of books:

Building Robots:

Tons of Gardening:

And all manner of learning related goodness!

Today is…Wednesday June 08 2011

We prayed.

We had a Gospel Message about being a true friend, like Zoram was to Nephi:

We looked at our Morning Message. Ettin circling letters, Giant reading and writing a math sentence:

Then off to the Gym. In the rain. Always rain. What does sun even look like again?

After little boys were napping, Giant and I took turns reading words from a Richard Scarry book:

And Giant also found some math games in a teacher’s book of mine:

We played one where you rolled a dice and if you were the first one to accumulate exactly 10 cheerios (any higher and we said you’d be burned by lava fire), you got to eat them!

(because plain no-name brand cheerios are a special treat around here)

This was a very exciting game!!!

And Galoot was quite entertained watching us add our cheerios and try not to be burned!