
I was getting a little frustrated this morning trying to do dishes while Galoot hung on my legs.

Then I realized that while I was doing dishes, I was simultaneously teaching someone to walk.

Multi-Tasking Mommies Rock!!!

Today is…Tuesday June 7 2011

We prayed.

We looked at our Gospel Message, and talked about what we would do to protect our family if we knew an enemy was going to attack.

(Doesn’t that kid look soooo old?! Seriously, I swear it was yesterday that he looked like this:

But I digress….In my head….Every few minutes.)

We drew pictures for our gospel message about a house with a big fence and a strong roof:

Then we talked about how there is an enemy trying to hurt our family right now. That Satan is doing all he can. And we talked about how we could protect our family from him (prayer, scripture study, following the prophet, going to Church, strengthening our testimonies, etc).

Giant sang me a song about how he know Jesus loves him:

Okay, I have a confession to make. My parents raised me in the Church. We went to church and served diligently, we had FHE, family prayer, scripture study….often. But I just don’t remember being this…churchy? strong of testimony? enthusiastic? about the Gospel. Watching my son, I honestly don’t know what to make of it sometimes. Ever feel like you were sent some Spirit to parent who is actually leagues ahead of you in faith? I am just so constantly amazed. And humbled.

We looked at our morning message while Galoot clung tight:

Ettin circled letters, Giant “Diego” (note the rescue pack) read and wrote words:

Then boys helped me make some buns:

We even did a cool science experiment to watch yeast grow!!!

Okay, perhaps these things just aren’t as cool when you work with them everyday. My boys were like, yeah, of course that’s what happens mom. Really, its way cooler in a classroom of kids that aren’t forced to labour in a kitchen everyday 😉

Then Giant insisted we needed to look at a Gospel picture too:

While we waited for bread to rise, the boys played an exciting game of indoor soccer (because yes, its raining. AGAIN):

Until the ball went flying into the kitchen and richocetted a few times around the cupboards.

During naps, I played a pirate scavenger hunt with Giant:

I gave him a list of a few sounds and told him he had to find the “Golden” objects that started with those sounds:


Trying to inject a little fun into our life, I just went with it when the boys grabbed hold of my hoodie and twirled me around while I tried to pivot on my heel…


(Okay, I might have actually enjoyed it. I may have even been giggling. Thank goodness for the medicine that is little boys)

Footprints in the Flour

I will miss these little paw prints…


New Glasses

Guess who got glasses!!!

This wee Ettin!

Just like Daddy, and Mommy, and Giant…and probably Galoot too. Oh the fun of genetics 😉