Today is…Monday June 6 2011

We prayed.

We talked about prophets and prophesies:

We did our morning message, with Ettin circling letters,

…and Giant reading the words:

Then we played a math racing game:

We wanted our critters to make it to the end of the number line first.

We picked numbers (1-3) drawn on cards:

And added a critter to his friends, emphasizing saying the word equation (5 + 1 = 6, for example):

Then friends came over to play!

Ettin took a break to help me prep a supper experiment:

They finger painted (and mommy just about lost it. Children are soooo good at teaching patience and love. And forgiveness.).

Then, while mommy cleaned up a rather large paint mess, the boys sang loudly while playing elastic band instruments:

Then we worked for a while in the garden.

Galoot is pretty sure he belongs outside. After working in the garden for a couple of hours, this boy was covered in mud (they just don’t make a bib for that 😉  ). Worried that I might be reported to child services, I took him in to get him cleaned up. He tried his hardest to get away from me, and made a break for it when I was distracted for a moment:

We watched Diego. After banning movies last week (due to rather horrid tantrums being thrown), I told them we could try watching one episode of Diego:

Then, to entice them back away from the computer, I built blocks with them for a bit:

They sang their abcs and read stories together:

…and they were just so darn cute I had to join them for some story time too:

Schooling was everywhere, but I still feel that we got a lot accomplished!

A new look


…with boys.

Today is…Friday June 3 2011

Today we learned about some important members of our community!

We went to visit the dentist early in the morning, and learned about the importance of keeping our teeth clean!

Then, shortly afterward, we visited the optomitrist to get all of our eyes checked. Surprise—Ettin will be getting glasses too! His vision is similar to Giants (quite farsighted), but more balanced so he doesn’t have the eye-turn.

After lunch we had some much needed naps, unloaded charcoal, and ran into Coaldale to go play with cousins :)))


‘Tan I ‘Tuhlor? Ettin constantly asks.

He loves to colour.

He has great concentration:

And he’ll describe in great detail what he’s coloured, too!

However, he also has this rather…disconcerting tendency…

…to colour on himself while he ponders his next masterpeice.



…his cute little body.


What makes a woman feel like the worst housewife in the world?

Nibble marks:

Argh! Ick! UHKKKKK!!! (shudder).

Unfortunately for the wee rodent, he hit a rather sensitive spot: That was my CHOCOLATE dude!

He is no longer a problem.

(aside from the fact that I have to actually take care of his remains…like, more than just the tiny calling cards he left all over my kitchen. Why do I have to be the grown-up again?)