Today is Wednesday…June 1 2011

We walked down to the library with friends. I even took my camera along, but I just rarely remember to take pictures of the boys when we are outside—something about trying to keep them off the roads instead of taking pictures of them, I guess 😉

But we did come home with lots of books!

On our way home we walked by the Temple to check out the very cool construction project that was happening beside it. My friend and I also talked with the couple serving in the visitors centre for a bit…

…while my boys dug the dirt out of the Temple beds.

And, under my stern direction, cleaned it up again.

(not the Cardston Temple, but a picture I often have on the fireplace)

During naps Giant and I listened to Robin Hood and cleaned up:

My Joys

Sometimes, when there seems to be a never ending cycle of laundry and poop, I wonder why I signed up for this job.

Thankfully, I am given blessed reminders throughout even my hardest days.

Today is…Tuesday May 31

We started out Speedbiking around the yard, but I had to haul them back in to get a baby to sleep.

I lured them in with snacks.

Ants on a log!

Except, the celery was rather dry. So we dipped sliced apples in the peanut butter and raisins we’d used to decorate our logs. Plus, I even did a story/lesson on the grasshopper and the ant…

…which inspired Giant to write his own story about an ant and his friend.

He wrote and finished the first page by himself (no prompting or help from me. He just grabbed some paper and a pencil during snack and started writing 🙂  ) :

[Once upon a time there was a little ant and friend bird]

I encouraged him to keep going and he became frustrated.

What to do? – Insist he finishes to teach persisitance? -Let him write whenever the mood strikes him? Write it for him so he can see how cool a finished book looks? – Have him draw pictures if the writing gets too tough? – Act as his scribe? —These questions are somehow more important when one is teaching their own child than a classroom full of children. You feel for your own child more…you feel their frustration more and you also feel like you can push them more. Which makes the decision of what to do that much harder!

I chose a solution which used several of my options. I had him draw a picture of what happened next, acted as scribe for his words, and had him write down the odd word here and there…

[They(Th e ey) had a picnic and played in the garden (GRdin)]

[A monster came. They found a big long sword their dad had used for a long time. It was magic (majik)]

[Then the ant’s friend Bird remembered something his dad had said. The monster was magic and nice and powerful (POWrFL). They became friends (FrEinz) ]

The End

The boys spent a lot of time reading in the morning, too:

Today is…Monday May 30 2011

We made it to gym!!! And had a blast with our little friends.

When we got home, I grabbed the scriptures and read out loud to the boys about missionary work:

We played with fun friends all morning.

After little boys went for a nap, Giant and I read some stories from the Friend:

(he was a little less than enthused since he really wanted to be playing computer games, but we persevered)

Hanging Laundry in the Rain…

It’s easy to hang laundry to dry when its raining…

…so long as its hanging inside 😉