What’s Green Wednesday
Still kicking around in the Garden in November…
Brussell Sprouts:
Still kicking around in the Garden in November…
Brussell Sprouts:
It’s a little squishy. And I’m sure our posture is off…
But what fun!
(We were making ‘dancing’ fingers…trying to teach my boys to play with separate fingers while keeping the rest of their fingers on the keys too)
Why is it that the funnest place to play is the darkest,
dirtiest, most painful place in the house…
…right behind the couch?:
Hi mom.
I found some pumpkins.
I brought them to this little trampoline.
Don’t worry, I’ll just sit nicely and hold the pumpkins….
…Heeeheeeheeee, and jump and jump and jump….
….and jump and jump and jump….
Pumpkins are fun!
Hallowe’en started early at our house this month.
We’ve been playing with pumpkins, literally, for the last few weeks:
Our Hallowe’en Puppy came out with fresh batteries, much to the delight of Galoot:
The boys have been carving everything they could get their hands on:
Giant had some preconceived notions of what Halloween celebrations involve. So we had to “Tie apples on a string, hang them up, and try and bite them.” A bit trickier than it might seem:
We strung the carved apples up as shrunken head decorations:
And carved pumpkins!
Love your guts, kid:
He carved it himself, with a steak knife, and was very proud:
Ettin carved his himself too. With a butter knife (he was saying, “Ow!” a little too often with the steak knife). I was impressed!:
The boys decorated “Monster” rocks, which protected our front steps during Halloween:
Friday night we went to a Werewolf party. Which meant I got to try making some killer cupcakes:
Sooo Yummy!
We also dressed the boys up for the first time and they were so excited to be ghosts! Seriously the easiest Hallowe’en costume ever. Even Galoot was into it. He insisted on having a costume too (bringing me scraps of the boys costumes and sitting pointedly in my lap while handing me the bits). After he was dressed, he went to the dress-up box and continued to dress up:
At party #2, our Ward Hallowe’en party, the kids got to dress up again. I started calling them wraiths, and Ettin immediatly insisted that he needed to be a ‘waithe” [race] car too. “Poof, you’re a wraith car!” I told him. He was happy.
Our favourite part of the party? The Hallowe’en train!!! It kept our kids occupied for most of the night:
…mmmmm, and corn dogs! (I’m pretty sure I ate at least 6):
Fun and games for the kids:
And more train! Don’t worry, Ettin is fine. He is just smiling for the camera:
Hallowe’en Day started rather dismally. It was snowing. And cold. Giant cried. “But mommy, it CAN’T snow for Hallowe’en!”
Thankfully, the sun came out, melted most of the snow, and we had a gorgeous October day.
More pumpkin carving ensued (we needed some fresh ones for the front steps). Ettin found “his” pumpkin (I am definitely going to write the boys’ names on pumpkins next year, not just their initial):
Carving, carving, just keep carving:
Scary faces and Pumpkin PIE (3.14):
My Wraiths ready for the Witching Hour:
Merrily we haunt along:
Giant was a little apprehensive about ringing the doorbells. Ettin didn’t mind, but he couldn’t quite reach the doorbells:
They soon got over any troubles as the candy started pouring in:
In spite of a bit of snow still left on some lawns, the night was beautiful. Freezing. But Beautiful:
When we got home, Ettin wanted to keep trick or treating with Daddy. Giant and I tried watching some Hallowe’en movies while we waited for them, but it was a little much for Giant. Care Bears to the rescue!:
What did Galoot think about all this? He was most excited about the candy:
What a lovely Hallowe’en!