Building a computer

Because he is a “bigger boy” now, and can do anything. Apparently. Even build a computer.

As I was putting Giant’s brothers down for naps (Ettin and Galoot actually went down at the SAME time! WaaaHoooo!!!), Giant declared he was going to build a computer and needed some cut wood please.

I offered some cardboard.

He told me it wouldn’t work, and that he needed some real wood and nails to build his computer (his hammer was in hand the entire time).

Not wanting him to be disappointed when his efforts didn’t actually bring forth a computer, I asked him if he was building a really cool pretend computer, or if he was trying to build a real computer.

He told me he was building a real cool computer, that he could play games on. He even generously offered to build one for Ettin, too.

I explained that to build a real computer he’d need electrical wires and plastic and buttons (that’s about it, right?), and that not even Daddy could build a computer at home.

He told me not to worry. He would build a real computer with ‘lectric and p’astic and all that stuff. He just needed some cut wood and nails.

I gave him the wood and nails.

He got busy:

Rolling his eyes at mommy:

Happy as a kid with a hammer, wood and nails:

He did eventually come looking for a real hammer, like the one daddy uses. I gave it to him.

Honestly, this post brings back many fond memories of my own childhood. I loved hammering together boards/firewood/scrap lumber as a kid. In fact, my parents even gave me a bag of scrap lumber as a present once….I was in heaven. Even today, I love building my own things, when I can. And even better, I have a very precise hubby who helps me keep my projects a lot more…precise, and not so thrown together—like a kid with a hammer might have done.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 at 3:19 am and is filed under Daily Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. Order In Chaos » Blog Archive » Today is…Monday, Sept 27 2010 says:

    […] lunch, Giant built a computer and […]

    ... on July September 29th, 2010

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