Grocery Budget: July

We budget $180 a month for fresh groceries, and $100 for storage items or things that we’d take a while to go through. Thats about $45 a week on fresh food. I try to spend the $100 early in the month, all in one go, so that it doesn’t get whittled away by budget emergencies […]

Garden Harvest

On Sunday a couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on our backyard swing with Giant. Trying hard not to work in the garden. I was pointing out all of the green strawberries on the plants and telling him that soon we would have lots of red ones to eat. I was trying hard not […]

Today is…Wednesday

I really like having my established routine. Or rather, I really like having a plan. Thus, when my routine is interrupted, I can still insert schooling into the day. Not ideal (my kids, and I, do better with uninterrupted routine). However, life is chaos and teaching kids to be adaptable earlier in life is probably […]

Today is…Monday

Yay! Have I mentioned that…..Grandma’s Here?!!! Morning chores went quite nicely: (Thanks Grandma!) We pondered the story of Jesus calming the seas. Doesn’t that look like an intense pondering face? On second thought, I do believe he is just biting his nails, like usual. Ettin is also involved in his usual: And: At least he […]

Science World!

We decided to tempt the fates of baby labour and head out to Calgary and Science World this weekend. Oh, and PICK UP GRANDMA!!!!! After picking Grandma up on Friday, staying the night at Clinton’s wonderful Aunt and Uncle’s home, getting great deals on a crib mattress and bouncer and blocks at a Saturday morning […]