Taking Pictures

I’ve come to realize that taking pictures involves a lot of skill. Which I don’t seem to have. Case in point: I was complaining to my Hubby that Ettin is really hard to take a picture of. He is terribly cute, but I can rarely capture that on camera. For example: Adorable. Really. I would […]

Happy Hallowe’en

A Grand Overview of Our Hallowe’en We started with Pumpkin Carving! Giant carved his own this year. While mommy tried hard not to watch. Ettin Painted: Then Daddy joined us: The boys went for a nap and I glued Skeleton Sam together, roasted pumpkin seeds and baked some bones for supper. After naps we opened […]

Today is…Friday, Oct 29 2010

Having decided not to go to the gym today due to the probability of someone already being there (a nice Friday morning, and a day before Hallowe’en is celebrated in our Town), I was in no rush this morning. Absolutely No Rush. It felt wonderful. While I worked on Plot and Structure,  the boys alternated […]

Today is…Thursday Oct 28, 2010

Today’s activities were brought to you by: A mother in a book. This mother really just wanted to read. The result: Chaos. First, dancing. And singing. Repetitive, annoying, but helpfully distracting singing: Doesn’t look that crazy, you say? Then you must try hard to imagine The Dog singing clips of “Who Let the Dogs Out?” […]

Today is…Wednesday Oct 27, 2010

(Haaaaappppppppppyyyyyyyy Haaaallllloooooowwwwweeeeeennnnnn!!!! Very soon.) We looked at our Gospel Picture: Enos praying. And we talked about how Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will answer them as we pray in faith. We prayed. (“Whoops, you forgot, didn’t you mom?” Yes, I did. —We usually pray first to start our learning time on the right note, […]