Today is…Friday Oct 8, 2010

Galoot was up earlier and hungrier than usual, so instead of doing our Gospel Picture and Morning Message right away, he nursed and I read some Thanksgiving stories to his brothers:

Galoot served as my page holder while he nursed:

Thanks, Galoot!

We had just enough time to look at our Gospel Picture (Ettin was upset that we were not leaving RIGHT THAT MINUTE):

We discussed how Adam and Eve taught their children about God. I made a plug for homeschooling and noted that Adam and Eve did school at home just like a lot of families we know. Giant asked where their home was. Good question. I asked him what he thought. “Maybe in the grass?”

For some questions I have no answers.

Much to Ettin’s relief we left soon after that.

First to the Gym for a mommy workout/kids playgroup.

Then to Stay and Play. Well, actually they were doing an “Ages and Stages” Birthday thing at the ParentLink Centre, where you fill out a questionaire about their current skills and abilities. Since my boys have both had birthdays in the last few weeks, I took them down to show some support.

They loved it! An extra day at Stay and Play with a chance to play with the toys and do some other fun things with mom. Then they had a cute birthday snack (peaches and graham cracker “cakes” that they got to cover in icing and sprinkles. We sang them the happy birthday song and headed on home with a couple of birthday bags.

Which they promptly opened after lunch:



-colouring pages!

-play doh


They were really quite tickled.

We finally got to our “Morning” Message after lunch:

(I love Giant’s “Fall” – “FoLL”)

After Ettin went for a nap, Giant pulled out his play doh tools to make good use of his new play doh:

After Galoot nursed and went for his nap, I sat down with Giant to actually work on some hand turkeys.

But he didn’t want to trace his hand.

He wanted to do his own turkey:

Fine with me!

We stuck them up under our tree:

Then Daddy came home (early on Fridays). He stayed with the nappers while Giant and I went out to get a couple of groceries.

But first Giant had to make his own grocery list:

“Candies” and “Vitamins”  🙂

(Yes, I did actually buy the boy some candy):

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 9th, 2010 at 3:09 am and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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