Today is…Wednesday Oct 6, 2010

When all three boys are there for the message, it gets a little crowded:

And busy:

And my hands are quite full:

Looking back, I love it! In the moment, however, I’m usually a little flustered.

Which is why I’m really enjoying writing this blog. I love looking back and seeing what actually got accomplished. Knowing that I did more than what I can remember at the end of a long day. It also helps me isolate some great learning experiences which get hidden or lost in the busyness of the day. And, very importantly, this blog makes me want to do better the next day—because I know I’ll be writing about the work we did, and I want to have something to show!

Today we…

Started with prayer.

Discussed the gospel picture of Daniel in the Lions Den. Again we talked about having courage to do what we know is right, and about how Heavenly Father will help us.

Read part of our morning message:

Then we got interrupted with a potty break and a hungry Galoot. We never got back to the message, but we did read a story while I nursed (Scoop joined us, of course):

Then we went off to the gym (mommy/exercise group), where the boys always learn a lot about sharing and get to play some organized games.

Then home for snack. The boys were a little hard to convince to come inside, but they did eventually come. And for our Thanksgiving snack I made: Apple and Peanut Butter Turkeys (yes, of course I made one for me. Why do you ask?)!

Aren’t they soooo cute?!

Okay. Maybe slightly more scary than cute. But tasty and simple to make.

In fact, it was especially tasty with the addition of the ice cream I’d bribed told the boys they could have to encourage them to come inside:

The boys’ wonderful Auntie came by (Hubby’s youngest sister) with her sweet little boy (just a month older than Galoot), and we had a fun time visiting for the rest of the day. It was so nice to have someone to visit and chat and nurse and hold boys with! Its weird how you can get lonely surrounded by little boys, and a visit from friends and relatives is such a blessing.

As we visited, I made some more freezer meals, Ettin napped for a while, Galoot napped and nursed, and Giant kept busy with:

painting (we tried making hand turkeys, but I think I’ll try again tomorrow when I can give him more attention and help),

and hammering things (he found some screws in one of the sheds),

and reading about Thanksgiving (his wonderful Auntie even read him some stories while mommy worked on freezer meals):

and cutting and taping things:

like his nose. Though thankfully he didn’t cut it.

Busy and blessed as always!

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 7th, 2010 at 4:41 am and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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