Today is…Thursday Apr 28 2011

How do I garden with a baby and two little boys?

Planning and Strategy.

Boy #3: Galoot. Baby.

First, nurse baby.

Second, dress baby in outdoor gear.

Third, rock baby to sleep and pop him in his car seat, like so….:

Fourth, throw a blanket over him and (Fifth) put him in the least windy spot you can find:

And hope he doesn’t wake up for at least 1/2 an hour!

Boy #2: Ettin.

Plays with miscellaneous stuff and gravitates towards the newly sprouting strawberries. Thank goodness they are hardy.

(This is him showing me a salt shaker full of sand. “It’s not pepperoni mommy, just sand.”…took me a minute to understand that comment 🙂  )

Boy #1: Giant

This boy is a worker — when he is not playing. Or perhaps he is just at that wonderful age where work is play and play is work!

A half hour into our gardening endeavours, with Galoot still sleeping soundly, a fierce wind blew through our backyard.

Giant ran inside.

Ettin gallantly tried to bring in his wagon from the garden, the wind pushing him over a little with each gust:

It doesn’t really show up in this next picture, but there was a swirling of snowflakes too. Just for kicks.

We made it safely inside.

Where Galoot demonstrated some of his new tricks:

Giant and Ettin wrote up some cookie and bread recipes for me:

Oh they just melt my heart!

Then they helped mommy in the kitchen:

Mommy is learning to be tolerant of mess.

Mommy is learning that she really loves working with her boys.

Mommy is learning that in the end, everything gets cleaned up, a fun learning time is had, and I still end up with yummy bread:

Galoot desperately wanted to join us, but tolerated his bouncy for a bit:

While the dough rose (rised?), my floury boys cuddled up on the couch to read some stories:

Giant actually does a pretty good job reading the short words in the titles:

After Ettin was down for naps, Galoot settled in for a swaddle while I read with Giant:

“Hey mommy, I know what that word says!”


Makes a mommy proud.

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 28th, 2011 at 3:15 am and is filed under Garden, Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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