Garden Lessons
While weeding in the garden, Giant and I talked about how the weeds grew.
Sometimes, all you see is a little green tip. It doesn’t look that harmful at all!
But connected to that little green tip is a long and pernicious root, which will run over the whole garden if left unchecked:
I told Giant that there are choices in our lives like that root. Choices that don’t seem so bad—a little lie, or taking something that’s not really yours, or saying an unkind word. But choices that could lead to more bad choices. Choices which might hurt our garden, ourselves.
At the edge of the garden was a patch of this grass. Theoretically, we could have left it in and said we’ll watch it carefully. We’ll make sure it stays put and doesn’t take over the garden. But with just a little neglect it would have snuck in and sent out it’s roots. I told Giant that this was like why we don’t have a tv in our home. Its just too hard to say we’d only ever watch good stuff on it. Some bad things will sneak in.
And they wouldn’t even look so harmful. At first.
Better to root out the weeds we see, so we are better able to deal with the challenges of our garden.