A Corn Maze and Other Family Fun


On Saturday we went to a Corn Maze! Giant was elated. He had been asking to go ever since we’d mentioned the idea over a month ago. Which is kind of funny since I don’t think he had any idea what a Corn Maze was!

I took some pictures at the front gate:


Yes, those were the best ones I got. Sorry Giant.

We warmed up our a-maze-ing abilities in the pint-sized hay-bale maze:

And then entered the Corn Maze:

Decisions, decisions:

Every so often we could see the tower we were aiming for (it’s there, way in the distance, between the two rows):

Ettin was the pokey puppy of the bunch, tiptoeing along slowly behind the group. Which was actually kind of smart on his part since it left him first in line when we all turned around after hitting dead ends:

One sweet cousin found a great big walking stalk to help him navigate the paths:

The view from the Tower:

All many of us on the Tower:

Hubby took some cute pics of the entry to the Kid’s Maze. I can’t tell if they are pretty, or hauntingly spooky. Part of me expects the spirits of lost children to  wander through the stalks at night:


Then the special incentive at the end, the Cow Train!!!:

Pretty cute, and the kids thought it was fun:

My favourite part? Feeding the animals!

Each kid got a cup full of feed (in an icecream cup, how smart is that?!)



…almost like Fossil Rim. Minus the Zebras, Giraffes, and Emus. Really, just a lot of friendly and hopeful goats::

We sped home for a delicious supper and cake, then we were off to a haunted house! The gymnasium where the cousins have gymnastics was rearranged into a giant play arena, complete with haunted house tunnel. The kids went through again and again. I think my favourite part was watching Ettin trying to copy the tumbling of the kids playing around on the mats. He whirled and swirled wildly all over the place, laughing and rolling as he went.

The kids each got a sweet bag of candy.

And slept hard that night!

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 29th, 2011 at 11:27 pm and is filed under Daily Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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