Today is…Oct 17-21

Gospel Lesson

This week we focused on gaining a desire to be pure and righteous.

We talked about what it means to be pure. I gave the boys some salt to hold, and we talked about how white and clean it was:

We added pepper. And talked about how sometimes we make choices that make us not so pure:

Throughout the week we read scriptures and sang songs that helped us want to make good choices so that we can stay pure.

Later in the week we looked at the parable of the wise and the foolish man. We talked about how making righteous choices that help us be pure is like building our house on the rock, and making poor choices is like building our house on the sand. When challenges and trials rise up around us, we’ll stand still and remain pure on the firm ground:



I find that reading practice with Giant is easy. Reading is simply what our family does!

As for writing, I may slack off a little. He seems to get especially confused in his writing if we attend programs that teach kids to write using capital letters (why do they do this?!)  So lately I’m making more of an effort to help him practice his writing (and keep those capitals where they belong) :

One afternoon we were cuddled up reading, and Giant was absolutely fascinated with a little encyclopedia of the world:

He kept reading it for about an hour after his brother (and, okay, me too) had fallen asleep:

After we woke up, Giant had marked the pages he needed me to read:

The boys drew and labeled pictures of their family. I love that daddy is holding Galoot in this picture:

…and there is something about these little people Ettin drew that makes me giggle:


Ettin and some of his letters (oh, I love those crescent moon eyes!):

Giant’s name poem. He wrote something he liked for each letter of his name: (TAbL-table, APL-apple, emuY DOOF-yummy food, Looc-look, Bro-orb, run-run):

Giant had a great time working on word search puzzles:

And he really wanted me to take a picture of his islands (iLinds-islands, PATh-path Thsevinses-the seven seas):


The week the Classroom On Wheels came to visit our town, and they brought a bunch of fun ideas for easy to create games and puzzles. For example:



We explored stored kinetic energy through wind up propellers. First we tried  making race cars:

…but they we a little too finiky. Ettin, however, spent a good hour or two meticulously covering his car in blue tape:

Then we went for simple, and just took the elastic and propeller and popped it into a cup. Helicopters!:

They didn’t actually fly, but the boys loved the fact that they spun wickedly around!

Giant spent the most of one afternoon playing around with magnets:



Child1: “Mommy, please can we stay up a little longer?!”

Me:”No, its bedtime now!”

Child1, starting to sob uncontrollably,”But m-mommy, I-I-I didn’t do my math sh-sheet!”

Me:”Um. Okay, you can go work on your math…”:

Do my boys know how to play me or what?


I’m really trying to bring music into our days a bit more. I love my quiet, but music is important for these little people too!:


Gingerbread skeletons!



And their own concoction. I’m not really sure what to call it, but it involved beef bouillon, curry powder, bacon bits, and candy hearts:



They sure liked them. And if I hadn’t seen what had gone into them, I may not have been so grossed out!

These boys love to bake, and this mommy is learning to be okay with having them in the kitchen!

Arts and Crafts

Grandma and Grandpa Scofield sent some really cool craft supplies!

We spent a couple of mornings building wooden trucks:

The boys have been painting and crafting up a storm:

…a Hallowe’en storm!

Ettin, colouring ever so carefully:

Ettin, exhausted by his efforts:

Giant made a Hallowe’en Pinata (filled with a couple Hallowe’en candies and spiders):

And Monsters!!! This was an awesome Hallowe’en craft for these kids! Plastic cup, paint on some glue, add some tissue paper and eyes. The messier the better!:

Though perhaps not entirely age appropriate for babies. Galoot thought the glue was delicious and he was terrified of the monsters.


Physical Activity

Still No Snow!!! Which means we are OUTSIDE baby!

Riding bikes (Ettin can pedal pretty far, but he still needs help starting):

We play at the Church gym with a mother’s group three times a week (so long as there is no one setting up for parties, funerals, or other events):

We had lots of lovely leaves to play in:

And excellent apparatus to practice our gymnastics on:

Balancing forwards and backwards:

(Ettin scooted the whole way on his bottom. It was hilarious):


Hanging and Climbing skills:


We put up a couple of cold frames. Those boys worked hard hammering. And playing.

Man, I love those kids!!!


This entry was posted on Friday, October 21st, 2011 at 11:51 am and is filed under Homeschooling Experiment, Today is.... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

1 Comment

  1. Mom says:

    Oh, I just loved everything! Every picture. Every comment. What a happy family you are.

    ... on July October 25th, 2011

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